What is Spiritual Guidance?
“Spiritual directors offer space to rest in the presence of mystery. As companions with others on their spiritual journey, our ministry is not to rush directees toward the light, but to honor the dark, fertile spaces of their lives as well. The imagination becomes the bridge between the dark space of incubation … and the moment of illumination when the creative act breaks through us calling us to give outward form to our inner movements.” Christine Paintner
Me as a Spiritual Guide
To me Spiritual Guidance is helping others recognize and nurture the Divine, however they may experience that, in their lives and within their selves. I prefer the term Spiritual Guide because what I do is less directing and more gently guiding, providing companionship on your spiritual journey.
I chose the Spiritual Guidance Training Institute for my training because it was the only program I could find that was truly “interspiritual” and interreligious”, honoring all faiths on their journey toward deeper spiritual connection.
I specialize in people traveling non-traditional or non-christian paths, including those who are struggling to find their spiritual way.
Most of my appointments occur through Zoom, but if you live close by I can also see people in person. I do not do Spiritual Guidance on the telephone.
My fees are flexible, but my standard fee for a 50 minute “hour” is $70.00. Please know I will work with you if finances are a concern. Your first 30 minute “trial” appointment is free!
How Others Describe Spiritual Direction
“Spiritual companionship is a relationship in which a companion allows through deep listening the spiritual story of the other to unfurl. Through this relationship, the person seeking companionship is empowered to explore a deeper relationship with God, Allah, Tao, The Universe, or however you may refer to the Ground of All Being.” - Spiritual Directors International
"Interfaith individuals, ministers, and ministries affirm the truth in all religions, faiths and spiritual traditions. They are each rooted in their own faith, yet recognize the universality of the teachings, values and, above all, the experience of the Sacred common to all authentic spiritual traditions, and which are at the heart of true service." ~ Rev. Carol Parish
"Interspirituality is the sharing of ultimate experience across traditions ...The growth of interspiritual wisdom among the religions requires community. It is through community that the faith traditions pool their treasures of the spirit, culled through millenia of mystical inner realization." ~ Wayne Teasdale
“Spiritual guidance (often known as spiritual direction) is an ancient practice found in many of the world's wisdom traditions. I often think of it as a holy encounter with a trustworthy guide who lovingly and gently points you back to ‘the Sacred.’” - Janice Lundy
“Spiritual guidance is the art and science of guiding and nurturing the human soul. It is empathetic listening within the context of a caring relationship. According to Lisa Fullam and John Mabry, a spiritual guide may be a coach, confessor, guru, soul friend, companion, or saint, among many other roles or archetypes.” - Jeanette Banashak
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
“It is easier to find guides, someone to tell you what to do, than someone to be with you in a discerning, prayerful companionship as you work it out yourself. This is what spiritual direction is.” - Eugene H. Peterson
“Spiritual guidance is being present in the moment, seeing and honoring the sacred mystery of the soul of another. It is witnessing this mystery and reflecting it back in word, prayer, thought, presence, and action. Spiritual guidance is modeling a deep relationship with the Divine and standing in faith and love with the other as that relationship unfolds. Spiritual guidance is a journey of deep healing and an affirmation of Holiness (wholeness), the Sacred, and the Mystery of all of life.”
- Carol A. Fournier, MS, NCC, Interfaith Spiritual Director/Guide

Explore More.
Spiritual Guidance Training Institute.
Here is where I did my training and received my certification in Spiritual Guidance.
Spiritual Directors International.
More information about Spiritual Direction.